========== Subregions ========== .. role:: red .. admonition:: Command: def_new_sreg(x, y, label, color) Define a new subregion. **Parameter** | :red:`x,y` Point in a superelement | :red:`label` Designation of the subregion (in quotation marks) | :red:`color` Colour of the subregion ("red", "blue", "green",. . .) .. admonition:: Command: add_to_sreg(x, y, sr) Add a superelement to a subregion. **Parameter** | :red:`x,y` Point in a superelement | :red:`sr` Name of subregion (optional) .. admonition:: Command: delete_sreg(x, y) Delete the subregion selected from the x and y coordinates. **Parameter** | :red:`x,y` Point in subregion