.. _accessNodechains: ========== Nodechains ========== .. role:: red Functions to access the attributes of node chains. +------------+--------------+---------+-+++++++++++-----+------------------------------------------------------+ | Name | Number of values | Unit | Access get/set | Description | +------------+--------------+---------+-+++++++++++-----+------------------------------------------------------+ | valid | 1 | - | g | Gültigkeit (0 = ungültiger Knoten) | +------------+--------------+---------+-+++++++++++-----+------------------------------------------------------+ | key | 1 | - | g | Nummer des Knotens | +------------+--------------+---------+-+++++++++++-----+------------------------------------------------------+ | elkeys | [N] | - | g | Nummern aller angrenzenden N Elemente des Knotens | +------------+--------------+---------+-+++++++++++-----+------------------------------------------------------+ .. admonition:: Command: get_ndch_keys ( *"var"* ) Returns the ids of all node chains. **Parameter** | [out] :red:`var` Identifier of Array holding the node chains .. admonition:: Command: get_nd_ndch_keys ( key ) Returns the node ids of node chain identified by key. **Parameter** | [in] :red: key int value | [returns]: nod_1, nod_2, nod_mid: keys of nodes **Example** :: num_ndchn = get_ndch_keys("ndchkeys") for i = 1, num_ndchn do nod_1,nod_2,nod_mid = get_nd_ndch_keys(i) print(nod_1,nod_2,nod_mid) end