===================== Objects and Functions ===================== Scalar:Distance --------------- .. admonition:: Scalar:Distance(, ) Distance between 2 Points:: d = Scalar:Distance(P1, P2) | Distances from Point to Point are always positive values. .. admonition:: Scalar:Distance(, ) Abstand zwischen einem Punkt und einer Geraden:: d = Scalar:Distance(P1, L1) | Ergebnis is positiv, wenn der Punkt in Fahrtrichtung rechts der Geraden liegt | Ergebnis ist negativ, wenn der Punkt in Fahrtrichtung links der Geraden liegt .. admonition:: Scalar:Distance(; ) Abstand zwischen einem Punkt und einem Kreis:: d = Scalar:Distance(P1, C1) | Ergebnis ist positiv, wenn der Punkt ausserhalb des Kreises liegt \n | Ergebnis ist negativ, wenn der Punkt innerhalb des Kreises liegt Scalar:Angle ------------ .. admonition:: Scalar:Angle(, ) Angle (in degrees) between 2 lines:: alfa = Scalar:Angle(L1, L2) | Ergebnis ist der erforderliche Winkel, um L1 fahrtrichtungsgleich auf L2 zu drehen. | (-180° <= Ergebnis < 180°). Point: Direct Creation ---------------------- .. admonition:: Point:Create(, ) Definition using x/y coordinates:: P = Point:Create(x, y) | x: x coordinate | y: y coordinate Point: Intersections -------------------- Intersection of lines ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. admonition:: Point:Intersection(, ) Definition by intersection of 2 lines:: P = Point:Intersection(L1, L2) | L1: first line object | L2: second line object Intersection of line and circle ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. admonition:: Point:Intersection(, , ) Definition by intersection of a line and a circle:: P = Point:Intersection(L1, C1, n) | L1: line object | C1: circle object | n: selected number of intersection: 1 (first), 2 (second) Intersection of 2 circles ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. admonition:: Point:Intersection(, , ) Definition by intersection of 2 circles:: P = Point:Intersection(C1, C2, n) | C1: circle object | C2: circle object | n: selected number of intersection: 1 (first), 2 (second) Reference line is the connection between the center points of the 2 circles. Point: Perpendiculars --------------------- Perpendicular of a point to a line ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. admonition:: Point:Perpendicular(, ) Definition by the intersection of perpendicular line from a point to the target line:: Px = Point:Perpendicular(P1, L1) | P1: point object | L1: target line object Perpendicular of a point to a circle ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. admonition:: Point:Perpendicular(, ) Definition by the intersection of perpendicular line from a point to the target circle:: Px = Point:Perpendicular(P1, C1) | P1: point object | C1: target circle object Point: Vanishing ---------------- .. admonition:: Point:Align(, , ) Definition by the vanishing point on the line between 2 points:: P = Point:Align(P1, P2, rdist) | P1: first point object | P2: second point object | rdist: position of target point in relation to distance between P1 and P2 | rdist < 0 : before P1 | rdist == 0 : P1 | 0 < rdist < 1 : between P1 and P2 | rdist == 1: P2 | rdist > 1 : after P2 Point: Reflections ------------------ .. admonition:: Point:Mirror( [,]*, [,, , ) Definition of a tangent point from a point to a circle:: P = Point:Tangent(P1, C1, n) | P1: point object | C1: circle object | n: integer number 1 (right hand side), 2 (left hand side) Reference direction is the line from P1 to the center of C1 Tangent between 2 circles ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. admonition:: Point:Tangent(, , ) Definition of a tangent point of 2 circles:: P = Point:Tangent(C1, C1, n) | C1: first circle object | C2: second circle object | n: integer number | 1 right hand side on C1 | 2 right hand side on C2 | 3 left hand side on C1 | 4 left hand side on C2 Reference direction is the line from the center of C1 to the center of C2 Point: Fillets (Rounding of corners) ------------------------------------ Rounding between 2 lines ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. admonition:: Point:Rounding(, , , ) Definition of a fillet between 2 lines:: P1, P2, P3 = Point:Rounding(L1, L2, r, n) .. |lineline| image:: img/VerrundungGeraden.png :width: 300pt :align: middle +------------------------------------------------+ | | |lineline| | | | P1: center point of arc circle | | | P2: starting point of arc circle | | | P3: ending point of arc circle | | | r: radius of arc circle | | | n: selection of area as shown in figure | | | (returns all results if < 1) | +------------------------------------------------+ Rounding between line and circle ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. admonition:: Point:Rounding(, , , ) Definition of a fillet between a line and a circle:: P1, P2, P3 = Point:Rounding(L1, C1, r, n) .. |linecircle| image:: img/VerrundungKreisGerade.png :width: 300pt :align: middle +------------------------------------------------+ | | |linecircle| | | | P1: center point of arc circle | | | P2: starting point of arc circle | | | P3: ending point of arc circle | | | r: radius of arc circle | | | n: selection of area as shown in figure | | | (returns all results if < 1) | +------------------------------------------------+ Rounding between 2 circles ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. admonition:: Point:Rounding(, , , ) Definition of a fillet between 2 circles:: P1, P2, P3 = Point:Rounding(C1, C2, r, n) .. |circlecircle| image:: img/VerrundungKreise.png :width: 300pt :align: middle +------------------------------------------------+ | | |circlecircle| | | | P1: center point of arc circle | | | P2: starting point of arc circle | | | P3: ending point of arc circle | | | r: radius of arc circle | | | n: selection of area as shown in figure | | | (returns all results if < 1) | +------------------------------------------------+ Line: Create ------------ 2 Points ^^^^^^^^ .. admonition:: Line:Create(, ) Definition by 2 points:: L = Line:Create(P1, P2) | P1: first point | P2: second point Point and Angle ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. admonition:: Line:Create(, ) Definition by one point and an angle:: L = Line:Create(P1, alfa) | P1: first point | angle: angle from x-axis in degree Point and Perpendicular ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. admonition:: Line:Perpendicular(, ) Definition by a point and a perpendicular line:: L = Line:Perpendicular(P1, L1) | P1: point which must not be part of the target line | L1: perpendicular line Perpendicular of line between 2 Points ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. admonition:: Line:Perpendicular(, , ) Definition by a point and a perpendicular line:: L = Line:Perpendicular(P1, P2, rdist) | P1: first point | P2: second point | rdist: position of target line rotated by 90 deg in relation to distance between P1 and P2 | rdist < 0 : before P1 | rdist == 0 : P1 | 0 < rdist < 1 : between P1 and P2 | rdist == 1: P2 | rdist > 1 : after P2 Parallel line of point ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. admonition:: Line:Parallel(, ) Definition by a parallel line and a point:: L = Line:Parallel(L1, P1) | L1: line | P1: point of the target parallel line Parallel line with distance ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. admonition:: Line:Parallel(, ) Definition by a parallel line and a distance:: L = Line:Parallel(L1, dist) | L1: line | dist: distance of the target parallel line (>0 right hand side, <0 left hand side) Circle ------ Direct construction ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. admonition:: Circle:Create(, ) Definition by center point and radius:: C = Circle:Create(P1, rad) | P1: center point | rad: radius Center and Radius ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. admonition:: Circle:Create(, ) Definition by center point and radius:: C = Circle:Create(P1, rad) | P1: center point | rad: radius 3 Points ^^^^^^^^ .. admonition:: Circle:Create(, , ) Definition by 3 points:: C = Circle:Create(P1, P2, P3) | P1: first point | P2: second point | P3: third point